Wednesday, January 13, 2016

New Journey, New Directions

For those of you who are new, welcome! For the rest of you, welcome back!

 This blog has been a personal journal of my health discoveries and journey of recovery.  At this point I want to drive things in a different direction. I've gotten into the University of Washington, my dream school!  My health has improved greatly so I feel now is the time to discuss Education. For anyone that knows me, Education is a ginormous part of my life. I want to be an Educator, and my journey through College has been an adventurous one. Through all this technology has played a significant role. I attended an all-online University for 3 years, I build my own computers, and I could talk about video games (how to make them, console wars, specific games, etc) aaaaaall day! I even had a video game wedding, complete with Legend of Zelda wedding rings.

I'm really excited for this class, learning and experimenting with different forms of teaching and learning through tech. I'm stoked to get to know my fellow students, and hopefully make some friends. Thanks for reading, see y'all again real soon!

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